Golf Simulator Software
World's first and only golf simulator camera tracking software
for use with low cost commercially available hi-speed cameras
GSA Control Panel (CP) full version
with 2 camera licenses
$ 399.00
Special limited time offer
$ 299.00
The GSA Golf camera tracking software can be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.
1500 fps Cameras are available on Amazon for $280 each.
All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.
Including cameras, cables and lights.
with 2 cameras
Free of charge if you purchase your own $30 cameras
The new SCX web cam version measures ball Speed, VLA and HLA.
Ball spin and club data calculated from ball data
System then functions as both a Swing Capture system and a Ball Tracking system
that can be used as a golf simulator launch monitor.
It also interfaces with golf game software such as GSPro, TGC, E6,CG etc.
Available soon
$ 199
Free of charge if you purchase your own $30 webcam cameras
Try it before you buy it
GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download
New Full 64 bit Version of GSA Golf Control Panel download
The new 64 bit version of the GSA Golf CP will supersede the older 32 bit version soon
In addition to all the new up and coming features, there is a major increase in performance as well.
CP64 4 times faster than CP32
A quick speed comparison check recently revealed that CP 64 is over 4 times faster than CP 32
While CP 32 required 5 seconds to calculate ball and club data for a particular shot, CP64 only required 1 second for the exact same shot
Thus, ball-strike-to-ball-launch lag time has been dramatically reduced with CP 64.
Download includes sample shot videos of the SCX, EVi and LX2
Plus free Swing Capture software
Plus free 18 hole golf course game software
Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.
Sample shot videos
For those that are installing the software for the first time or experimenting with the setup,
you may be interested in viewing the sample shot videos.
Go to the VisTrak Videos panel in the Control Panel and click the "Load Sample Videos".
Select video 1, 2 or 3.
Note that when loading the sample videos, the system type may change.
Video 1 ( with enhanced spin dot ball images) was generated from an SCX system and Video 2 from an EVi/LX2 system
Sample Video 1 is from a stereo camera SCX system
Sample Video 2 camera 1 is from an EVi system showing the overhead view of the club striking the ball
Sample Video 2 camera 2 is from an EVi system showing the side view of the club striking the ball
Sample Video 3 is from an LX2 system (at 1500 fps) showing the top and side views of the club striking the ball
GSA Golf Shot video files can also be exported to MP4 format files
Application Program Interface
GSA Golf offer a free API for those that want to interface our Control Panel to their own software.
All relative shot data can be accessed. i.e. Ball speed, LA, HA, Spin Rate, Club speed, path and face angle
For those that are developing their own systems, you can now access the CP's shot data in real-time using the CP API.
Instructions are in the source code file.
For those that are developing their own systems, you can now access the CP's shot data in real-time using the CP API.
Instructions are in the source code file.
New API test console application
32 frame shot Video shot from the overhead camera
World's first and only camera tracking system with dual camera angle 32 frame shot playback videos
now with ball spin detection !
The new "Mini" shot videos are immediately displayed in the game software after every shot.
The video window can be positioned anywhere in the game software.
Functions with E6, TGC, GSpro, Creative Golf 3D, RedChain and ProX
golf simulator game software
Also includes free Video Swing Capture software
Click above to read more ...
Plus GSA 18 hole game software
Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.
Plus E6 Connect Trial software
$ 199.00
GSA Golf CP software license for use with 1 hi-speed camera
Includes Swing Capture software
The software allows you to build your own camera tracking system
including: SCXi, VisTrak Eagle, LX2, EV and KX
The software is geared to all those golf sim companies, entrepreneurs and DIY individuals that will be purchasing their own cameras
so that they can get up and running without having to spend a fortune on development and equally save an enormous amount of time.
Hi-speed 1500 fps cameras and lighting systems are available on Amazon
Free CP version
Great for evaluation with E6, GSpro, TGC, CG3d etc - playable with the mouse.
Includes 18 hole GSA golf course
Custom Control Panels
We can also make a custom camera Control Panel for your own specific requirements and needs
Hourly programming rate is $35.00
One time setup for your own version of the CP
Contact us for further details
Game software
Click above images to read more ...
Please note that if you already own any of the above software systems and it was licensed for a tracking system other than GSAgolf
then you will have to contact the respective software company to have your license converted to GSA Golf systems.
Click above image to view YouTube videos
GSA Golf 18 hole course game software included free of charge with every GSA Golf tracking system
Click above image to download the 18 hole GSA Golf course
You will require the above additional file to use the GSA Golf game software
Click above image to download the d3dx9_30.dll file
copy the d3dx9_30.dll to your windows\SysWOW64 folder.
Click the above image to download the camera driver setup if you don't have the thumb drive
Optional extra Game software
TGC 150,000 course game software
TGC full version with over 150,000 courses
Single one time payment
Click above images to learn more...
E6 Connect golf game software
Click above image to learn more...
E6 Connect course software 120 course package
GS Pro software
$250 per annum
Click above image to learn more...
Creative Golf 3D
Click above image to learn more...
Free E6 Connect trial software
Download here
Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.
E6 Connect can be played with the Control Panel via either a mouse or manual launch parameter setup for evaluation.
How to play E6 Connect with the GSA Golf Control Panel (CP)
GS Pro
$250 per annum
Click above image to learn more...
GSA Golf offer an amazing selection of golf simulation software
Choose from 5 different software systems
E6 Connect, TGC, RedChain, GS Pro, Creative Golf 3D and ProX
Choose from all these state-of-the-art golf course software versions
with over 150,000! golf courses
Choose from all these state-of-the-art golf course software versions
GSA golf simulators use the world's best software found only elsewhere on hi-end $50,000 systems
Buy TGC Full 2019 version
$ 999.00
Please note that when purchasing TGC software, GSA Golf do not offer any return policy
as ProTee stipulates that all purchases of TGC are final and no return policy applies
GSA Golf's own in-house developed game software
ProX Driving Range - update
GSA Golf Multi-Sport
GSA Golf Multi-Sport game software is currently in development
Swing Analysis software
Video Swing Capture using the VisTrak hi resolution color camera or webcams.
Unlimited video storage, auto playback, export to AVI, WMV formats, video editing and drawing,
up to 200 frames per video, plus link to VisTrak ball and club tracking system.
Software is without no subscriptions.
(Unlike others, like Swing Catalyst, who charge $490 a year plus for this)
System can be used outdoors on the driving range or with any other golf simulator tracking system like Trackman, GCquad etc.
Seperate USB3 compatible PC or LapTop required.
Game softwareVideos
Click above to watch a selection of setup and intro videos
The GSA Golf Control Panel is free with every camera purchased directly from us
however, for those that wish to purchase their own cameras from
the Control Panel software can also be purchased.
Go to the Kits and Companents page to read more.
GSA ball and club tracking systems (both camera and optical sensors) are controlled by the GSA Control Panel.
The control panel is a multi-process application that constantly monitors the tracking systems for a valid shot.
When a valid shot has been detected the club and ball shot parameters -
i.e ball speed, path, launch angle, club speed, club path and face angle - are passed to whatever golf game system is being used.
Experimenting and testing shots with manually entered launch parameters
You can test shots by manually setting the launch parameters in the "Show Club Angles" window of the Control Panel.
Right or Left mouse click in the Edit fields to change the parameters.
To see the trajectory of the ball in flight just click the "Launch Shot" button while having the GSA Golf software running in the background.
GSA Golf Control Panel
Courses can be played with the Control Panel via either a mouse or manual launch parameter setup for evaluation.
View camera images of your shots in the GSA Golf Control Panel camera windows
The side mounted Vcam detects vertical launch angle and speed of the ball
The ceiling mounted Hcam camera detects ball path for normal shots
and ball path plus speed when putting
Red Chain GSA Golf Courses
Contact us at
Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner
Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf
Regularly check out my tech news page for all our latest developments and free updates
if you have any questions
please feel free to contact me personally anytime
Currently looking into integrating AI technology into GSA Golf tracking systems