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Golf Simulator Cameras

200 to 800 fps

Video Swing Capture and Swing Analysis

with ball tracking

The world's first swing capture system that combines swing capture with ball tracking for use in a golf simulator

Main advantages over other swing capture systems

1. Super high speed up to 800 FPS

2. Cameras can be converted to a regular hi-resolution ball and club tracking system like the SCX and EVi systems

just by swapping out the lenses and repositioning the cameras

3. Auto Start and Stop

because the cameras detect a swing

4. Option to use Color or IR cameras

The advantage of using IR mono cameras is that you don't have to use visible light in the enclosure.

i.e. the enclosure can remain nice and dark

while color cameras require bright visible lighting that will brighten up the enclosure area

Swing Capture software without cameras

Dual camera price when puchasing your own hi-speed cameras on Amazon

$ 299

GSA Golf CP camera control and image processing software for 2 cameras

Swing Capture Cameras


Price includes tripods and software

Color or Monochrome swing capture Hi-speed 1500 fps cameras

$ 699 for one

$ 999 for two

Stipulate in the comments field when checking if color or monochrome cameras are required.

You can also use web cams

World's first swing capture system that measures ball speed, VLA and HLA

When used with the ball tracking option switched ON, the system will measure ball speed, VLA and HLA.

Ball spin and club data calculated from ball data

System then functions as both a Swing Capture system and a Ball Tracking system that can be used as a golf simulator

that interfaces with golf game software such as GSPro, TGC, E6,CG etc.

System can be used with any webcam.

Wide angle hi-speed web camera suitable for Swing Capture

Tripods and 15ft usb extension cables inculded

$ 299 for 1

$ 399 for 2

Price includes Swing Capture software

Note: The ball speed, V and HLA feature will be coming soon free of charge

3 view choices

Side - Front - Top

The SC hi-speed cameras - with wide angle lens and longer exposure time -

capture 32 to 256 frames of the ball and player before and after ball strike.

The world's first camera system that combines swing capture with ball and club tracking for use in a golf simulator

You can also combine close-up frames from the overhead camera

with swing capture frames from the side mounted camera

Video spot light lighting will be required for bright color images

The SC systems can also be converted back to a

full tracking club and ball tracking system

simply by swapping out the lenses and repositioning the cameras

Click above images to

System can be used outdoors too

Auto start/stop recording without the requirement to use a foot switch

System detects ball in the user defined launch zone area and automatically starts recording.

After ball strike (detected by the ball no longer in the launch zone), the system automatically stops recording after an additional 100 frames.

System captures 75 to 150 frames before ball strike and 75 to 150 frames after ball strike at 200 to 800 fps

System features Line drawing and angle measurements

System records and saves swing video files at up to 290 FPS.

The 200 frame videos can be saved and retrieved for individual players for a particular date.

Dual panels allow comparisons to be made of the same view angle or from two different view angles.

Playback and recording speeds can be adjusted. Plus the usual step/run forward, backward video controls.

Setting the Launch Zone

The system can automatically start and stop the cameras

Auto start/stop recording without the requirement to use a foot switch

System detects ball in the user defined launch zone area and automatically starts recording.

After ball strike (detected by the ball no longer in the launch zone), the system automatically stops recording after an additional 100 frames.

System captures 100 frames before ball strike and 100 frames after ball strike at 50 to 90 fps

Min ball color?

The system detects a ball in the LZ area by scanning the LZ area for any pixel greater than or equal to the min ball color.

The color is in gray scale levels of 0 to 255.

A reasonably bright white ball would have a gray scale level of at least 150.

Ensure that the ball is seen as relatively bright white and the surrounding area far darker.

Depending on lighting conditions, some adjustment my be required.

SC Camera Controls

The above image shows the new exposure, gain, frame rate and capture time controls.

Camera exposure and gain settings are made in real-time with the cameras running so you can immediately see the results.

Total frames captured is currently 150. i.e. 75 frames before and 75 frames after ball strike.

1. Stop Recording method

1. Manual

Use this method to manually stop the recording after the shot

2. Ball on Mat

This is the preferred method

Once the system detects the ball in the launch zone area, it will constantly monitor the presence of the ball.

As soon as the ball is no longer present in the launch zone area, it will be assumed that the ball was struck

and the system will automatically stop recording after an additional 75 frames.

A total of 150 frames are captured for the swing. 75 frames before the ball was struck and 75 frames after ball strike.

3. Ball in flight

This method is currently depreciated

2. camera positions

Only required if using the ball tracking option

3. PC/Laptop has an internal webcam

Click ON in this case so that the system doesn't use the internal webcam

4. Ball / Club tracking

Used to tell the system to calculate ball and club data (ball speed, VLA and HLA and club speed)

Note that this feature is currently in development

5. Min ball color

Used to tell the system what color the ball has when placed in the Launch Zone area

6. Launch Zone

Click on to move the launch zone area with the keyboard arrow keys to where the ball will be placed on the floor

7. Start time delay

Used when manually starting the recording so that you have time to address the ball for the shot before recording starts.

8. Auto stop mode

System will automatically stop recording after 150 frames have been captured

9. Continuous mode

System will continuously record shots

10. Hi-speed recording

Used to increase the frame rate of the cameras

When ON, system will not refresh the screen

11. Exposure and Gain slide bars

When using hi-speed cameras (i.e. not webcams) these slider bars are used to set the image brightness.

Note that increasing the exposure time to increase image brightness will affect the frame rate of the cameras

Manual Start/Stop with Timer

For those that would prefer to manually start the swing capture procedure,

you can set a timer that will indicate (with a beep) when the system is ready to capture the swing .

The system will then automatically stop recording after a few seconds.

You can then review your swing captured in all cameras with the video playback features.

Basic operating instructions

After selecting the stop mode "Ball on Mat"

click on the large red button to start the recording.

System will start in the

"Looking for Ball" mode.

Once the ball has been detected in the launch zone area, system will go into the

"Ball detected. Waiting for Swing" mode

System will continue to monitor the presence of the ball in the launch zone.

As soon as it is determined that the ball is no longer in the launch zone,

the system will record an additional 75 frames of the swing and go into

"Ball Launch detected" mode and record the swing.

If the system is in continuous made, the procedure will automatically start over again.

i.e. will go back into "Looking for Ball" mode

Lighting options

Color or IR Monochrome systems ?


If you like the look of the color camera swing capture systems

then you'll have to put up with pretty strong visible lights shinning on you

which may cause a significant amount of glare.

IR Monochrome

On the other hand, if using IR monochrome cameras, there won't be any glare and your enclosure will remain nice and dark

but your swing capture videos will be in black and white

If you have purchased just the cameras, the following lighting is recommended.

IR LED CM Vision lights

for use with IR Monochrome cameras

Track Lighting

for use with with both Color and IR Monochrome cameras

4 hi-power LED zoom-able track light system with 800 Lumens per light with track

Price $199

Video Spot Lights

for use with color cameras

Powerful 18,000 lumen Video spot lights produce the best results for color cameras

Price $239

Full screen mode

You can also run the CP in full screen mode instead of it being in a window.

Select full screen ON/OFF in the Setup panel (bottom mid screen)