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VisTrak Installation VisTrak Eagle VisTrak SCX VisTrak EV VisTrak KX VisTrak LX Video Swing Capture Camera Installation Videos
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Golf Simulator Cameras

GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive

hi-speed camera golf simulator tracking systems and golf launch monitors on the market today

Tel: 239 529 3060

This ceiling mounted, camera based system accurately measures club and ball data

without the need for specialty balls or marked clubs !

Currently the world's most advanced hi-speed tracking system


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GSA Golf VisTrak camera tracking systems and Launch Monitors

All data is user verifiable with photographic evidence

In contrast to most other systems - (especially radar based systems where essentially zero data is user verifiable)

all data with the VisTrak hi-speed camera systems is user verifiable with photographic and video shot playback evidence.

i.e. you can see with your own eyes in the shot video playback the real vertical (ball LA) and horizontal (ball path) angles of the shot

plus club face angle at impact to the ball and club path.

Even ball spin can be user verified.

VisTrak SCX systems

from $1,699

Stereo ceiling mounted systems

VisTrak LX

Golf Launch Monitors

Priced from $999

Floor mounted launch monitors

Club and ball post shot hi-speed video playback


GC3, SkyTrak, MLM2Pro, TrackMan and Mevo etc

If you already have a launch monitor but doesn't show a post shot video of your club making contact with the ball,

then our hi-speed video capturing systems will add this feature to your existing system.

Floor or Ceiling mounted camera systems available

Click above image to read more about our shot video capture systems


VisTrak Launch Monitor Overview

Similar product market overview

Click above button to read more about how VisTrak systems compare with other systems

All VisTrak cameras are the same and modular, so you can swap them around in different configurations

Only 1 to 2 cameras are required to make up any of the above configurations

No requirement to use club markings of specially marked balls

Hi-speed Cameras

$699 each

GSA Golf Hi-speed (1500 fps) ball and club tracking cameras with mounts, lenses, cables and software

Just add your own IR LED or Track Lighting

Price $699

Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours

Only 1 to 2 cameras required for full ball and club tracking

GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download

Use the above download to install the full version Control Panel with sample shot videos.

Download includes sample shot videos

Light track systems

Color or Monochrome versions available


Framed Systems

Framed Ceiling mounted Launch Monitor systems




Click above images to

The world's most affordable yet most comprehensive hi-speed camera tracking systems on the market today

No one else even comes close

Individual Camera Sets

VisTrak Eagle


VisTrak SCX or EVi

from $1,999

Click above images to

Software only

Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.

Just add your own cameras and lighting to make your own SCX or Eagle systems

from $299

VisTrak SCX

Click above images to read more..

VisTrak SCXi with Panel lighting, 3000 fps


SCX Track Lighting System

Price $1,699

VisTrak Eagle track1500 fps

$ 1,499.00

VisTrak Eagle with IR lighting, 1500 fps


Click above images to read more..

LX launch Monitors

from $1,699

The LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor featuring a true horizontal club tracking camera

Data: Club face, speed and path. Ball speed, Horizontall and Vertical Launch angles

VisTrak KX

$ 2,999

Click above image to read more..

The VisTrak EV captures full 32 frames of the shot viewed from both the overhead and side mounted cameras.

World's first and only camera tracking system with dual camera angle 32 frame shot playback videos

The new "Mini" shot videos are immediately displayed in the game software after every shot.

The video window can be positioned anywhere in the game software.

EVi launch Monitors from


Click above images to read more..

The VisTrak cameras can also be purchased separately.

Video Swing Capture

World's first swing capture system that measures ball speed, VLA and HLA

When used with the ball tracking option switched ON, the system will measure ball speed, VLA and HLA.

Ball spin and club data calculated from ball data

System then functions as both a Swing Capture system and a Ball Tracking system that can be used as a golf simulator

that interfaces with golf game software such as GSPro, TGC, E6,CG etc.

System can be used with any webcam.

Frame rate is 150 fps when using one webcam

75 fps when using 2 webcams

Available soon

$ 299


The world's first truly affordable hi-speed camera club and ball tracking system

Dual angle 32 frame shot videos

The new "Mini" shot videos are immediately displayed in the game software after every shot.

The video window can be positioned anywhere in the game software.

All data can be verified with real photographic evidence after each shot.

All CX camera systems include all cables, lighting and golf game software

All data can be verified with real photographic evidence after each shot !

Note that this feature is unique to only GSA Golf systems. No other golf simulators on the market can provide this.

With all other golf simulator systems on the market, the player is forced to take the manufacturer's word that the data captured is correct.

There is no way for the player to verify that their measurements are in anyway correct.

Optional extra Game software




Click above images to read more ...

Click above images to learn more...

E6 Connect

All GSA Golf systems come with E6 Connect software

(1 18 hole golf course plus driving range)

* Note that the free E6 Connect 18 hole course and driving range trial software is limited for only as long as E6golf allow.

Note that all GSA Golf systems are completely modular - start with just 1 camera or sensor mat and add more cameras and features as and when requirement or budget allows.

GSA Golf Game software download

Download your free GSA Golf 18 hole golf cousre software.

Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.

Note: If you encounter a windows error message stating that it could not find d3dx9_30.dll when starting GSA Golf,

download and copy the d3dx9_30.dll to your windows\SysWOW64 folder.

Download here d3dx9_30.dll

All GSA Golf Tracking systems function with the TGC Golf sogftware

$ 999

GSA Golf golf simulator components and kits

CX and Vistrak system components can be used to build the complete GSA Golf golf simulator camera tracking system

at a far lower price than the ready made system prices

Click above to read more about GSA Golf components and kits

GSA SSi cameras - 1500 fps

(SSi = Super Speed Innovation)

Click above to read more about VisTrak Hi-Speed cameras

Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner

Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf

Regularly check out my tech news page for all our latest developments and free updates

if you have any questions

please feel free to contact me personally anytime from M to F 10am to 3pm US ET

Currently looking into integrating AI technology into GSA Golf tracking systems


Technical Support

Email and remote access support is available for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

E-mail support is free of charge for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

Remote access support is available for all purchasers for $75 per session (max 1 hr per session)

Note that your 1 hour session can be divided up to 2 sessions of 30 min or 4 15min sessions

Remote support sessions are available 7 days a week (including weekends i.e. Sat or Sun) at 2pm ET

Remote access support requires that you have "TeamViewer" installed on your PC

Go to www.teamviewer.com to get your free team viewer installed

Buy GSA Golf remote support 1 hr session for

Price: $ 75.00


GSA Golf golf simulator components and kits

CX and Vistrak system components can be used to build the complete GSA Golf golf simulator camera tracking system

at a far lower price than the ready made system prices

Click above to read more about GSA Golf components and kits

Click above for all your accessory requirements

World's first and only golf simulator camera tracking software

for use with low cost commercially available hi-speed cameras

The GSA Golf camera tracking software can be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.

1500 fps Cameras are available on Amazon for $280 each.

All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.

Including cameras, cables and lights.

Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.

Purchase your own hi-speed 1500 fps cameras ($280) and lighting on Amazon

Runs with E6, TGC, GSpro, CG3D and ProX game software.

GSA Control Panel (CP) full version

with 2 camera licenses

Price $399

Special limited time offer

$ 299.00

Business opportunities with GSA Golf

Enjoy huge earnings and great markups by using our cameras and software

for your system installations or just offering any of our products for direct sale.

GSA Golf reseller inquirers welcome

Contact Martin - for details

All camera products VisTrak Tech news Enclosures All products Software Business Installation and setup