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VisTrak Installation VisTrak Eagle VisTrak SCX VisTrak EV VisTrak KX VisTrak LX Video Swing Capture Videos

Golf Simulator Cameras

Affordable Launch Monitors

GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive

hi-speed Camera golf simulator Tracking Systems and Golf Launch Monitors on the market today

Super low prices!

GSA Golf offer unheard of low pricing for advanced level hi-speed camera tracking systems.

No one else even comes close

VisTrak Launch Monitor Overview

Similar product market overview

Compare the VisTrak SCX to its competitors

Click above image to read more ...

Click above button to read more about how VisTrak systems compare with other systems

All data is user verifiable with photographic evidence

In contrast to most other systems - (especially radar based systems where essentially zero data is user verifiable)

all data with the VisTrak hi-speed camera systems is user verifiable with photographic and video shot playback evidence.

i.e. you can see with your own eyes in the shot video playback the real vertical (ball LA) and horizontal (ball path) angles of the shot

plus club face angle at impact to the ball and club path.

Even ball spin can be user verified.

Over 1000 systems sold !

Note that each VisTrak system is hand built to the highest standards of manufacture requiring some 16 hours to assemble, test and calibrate before shipping

No subscription fees!

No specialty propriety balls required!

Use any ball with a logo on it or TM Pix balls

Fully upgradeable!

Add more cameras at anytime

Fully modular!

You can convert any GSA Golf camera system to any configuration you like

i.e. a ceiling mounted system (SCX)

a split floor and ceiling mounted system (EVi)

or an all floor system (LX2)

Stereo ceiling mounted systems

VisTrak SCX - our best selling 3000 fps hi-speed camera stereo ball and club tracking system

Floor mounted launch monitors

The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor that features a true horizontal camera

that captures club face angle, path and speed.

Click above image to view YouTube videos

Try it before you buy it

GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download

The full version VisTrak software can be used to evaluate the system with real time image processing

from sample shot videos sent to us frome customers.

Use the above download to install the full version Control Panel with sample shot videos.

Used for first time installations on new PCs

or for those that would like to run a fresh new installation.

Download includes sample shot videos

GSA Golf VisTrak hi-speed camera tracking systems

GSA Golf develop and manufacture the world's most affordable, yet most advanced and comprehensive

hi-speed camera golf simulator tracking systems and golf launch monitors on the market today

Hi-speed Cameras

GSA Golf Hi-speed (800 to 1500 fps) ball and club tracking cameras with mounts, cables and software just

Just add your own IR LED or Track Lighting

Price $699

IR monochrome camera

Usually ships within 24 to 48 hours

Only 1 to 2 cameras required for full ball and club tracking

Purchase 1 camera to make a VisTrak Eagle or LX1

Purchase 2 cameras to make a SCX, LX2 or EVi

VisTrak as an add-on to your current system

The VisTrak system can also be used along side any other launch monitor

to show a hi-speed video playback of your swing

Including Trackman, SkyTrak, Mevo and GC3 or GC4 launch monitors

GSA Golf Light Track Systems

Click above image to read more and purchasing options


The world's lowest priced yet most comprehensive hi speed tracking systems

No other golf simulator manufacturer comes anywhere close


Click above images to

Choose between color or monochrome cameras

Functions for both left and right handed players without have to move the unit

Game software options




Click above images to read more ...

GSA Golf VisTrak cameras function with all the above golf simulator course software

Please note that if you already own any of the above software systems and it was licensed for a tracking system other than GSAgolf

then you will have to contact the respective software company to have your license converted to GSA Golf systems.

World's first and only golf simulator camera tracking software

for use with low cost commercially available hi-speed(1500 fps) cameras

GSA Control Panel (CP) full version

$ 399.00

Special limited time offer

$ 299.00

The GSA Golf camera tracking software can be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.

1500 fps Cameras are available on Amazon for $280 each.

All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.

Including cameras, cables and lights.

VisTrak Eagle Track

Click above image to

$ 1,299.00

VisTrak SCX


SCX IR Framed IR LED lighting version

Price $1,999 / $2,199

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

VisTrak EVi

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

VisTrak LX range

Priced from $ 999 to $1,699

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

World's first swing capture system that measures ball speed, VLA and HLA

$ 299

Click above images to

Cased Ceiling and Floor mounted system

World's first and only camera tracking system with dual camera angle 32 frame shot playback videos

The GSA Golf EVi and KX systems feature dual hi-speed camera 32 frame shot playback videos

from both the top and side cameras after every shot

The new "Mini" shot videos are immediately displayed in the game software after every shot.

The video window can be positioned anywhere in the game software.

Laser ball placement guide

All ceiling mounted systems now come withthe laser ball placement guide

Laser automatically switches off when ball is located.

For those that have older systems, you can purchase the laser separately


All VisTrak cameras are the same and modular, so you can swap them around in different configurations

Only 1 to 2 cameras are required to make up any of the above configurations

Ball Spin detection using the ball logo

for overhead SCX and Eagle systems

You can now select the option "Spin line / Logo on ball" to measure ball spin for overhead camera systems (i.e. SCX and Eagle).

As the logo will not always be visible in the frames, the system now automatically scans for 2 adjacent fames showing the ball logo

in all the 16 ball speed frames.

Note that the VisTrak systems require that the camera shutter speed has to be at or below 100 micro seconds

if ball spin is to be measured and not calculated.

If not using the narrow beam IR lights, this will require that the system have to feature additional lighting.

i.e. 8 LED track lights instead the standard 4 track lights

Ball Spin Setup

Club Detection Setup

with or without reflective stickers

Click above to read how the system detects club data with or without reflective stickers

Color camera versions

World's first and only hi-speed camera tracking system in color

You can choose between IR monochrome or color cameras.

IR monochrome cameras require invisible light IR LED lighting

Color cameras require visible light track lighting

Click above to watch a selection of setup and intro videos

VisTrak SCX IR

VisTrak SCX IR framed with internal IR lighting, 3000 fps

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

IR LED lighting with high powered IR LEDs

plus LED track lighting

Data: Ball ball spin, speed and path, club face, speed and path

Click above image to

VisTrak Eagle with LED track lighting

Hi-speed ceiling mounted camera tracking system

without blue/green light bar system ready indicator

$ 1,699

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

Camera and software only



Ball LA ( launch angle) is based on selected club loft and is not measured with this single camera system

A second camera is required for ball LA. You can add this second camera later for $699.


The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only launch monitor offering post shot video replay

of your shot from both side and top cameras

You won't find this feature on any other floor mounted launch monitor on the market today no matter what the price.


Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

VisTrak LX1


Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

VisTrak LXC

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

$ 2,999

Dual 1500 fps cameras

Dual angle 32 frame shot videos

The KX captures full 32 frame hi-speed videos from both the top and side mounted cameras

Click above image to read more and purchasing options ...

VisTrak EVi systems

$ 2,499

Dual 1500 fps cameras

Dual angle 32 frame shot videos

World's first and only camera tracking system with dual camera angle 32 frame shot playback videos

Read this first


VisTrak Shot Video Playback

Note that no other system that we know of on the market today

can capture hi-speed camera video swing playback of all shots under $7,000 !

while VisTrak does this from just $ 1,699 !

DIY price: $1,109

Camera Software only

Click above image to

Control Panel and 18 hole course game software.

Just add your own cameras and lighting to make your own SCX, EVi, LX2, KX or Eagle systems

GSA Control Panel (CP) full version

The GSA Golf camera tracking software (i.e. the Control Panel) can also be purchased separately for those that are purchasing their own cameras.

All additional products required to build your own high-speed golf simulator camera tracking system are available on Amazon.

Including cameras, cables and lights.

Also includes free Video Swing Analysis Capture software

$ 299.00

Free CP Evaluation version

Great for evaluation with E6, GSpro, TGC, CG3d etc - playable with the mouse.

Includes 18 hole GSA golf course

Game software

GSA Golf 18 hole course game software included free of charge

TGC 150,000 golf game software

TGC full version with over 150,000 courses $999

Single one time payment

Click above images to learn more...

E6 Connect golf game software

Click above image to learn more...

E6 Connect course software package $300 per annum

GS Pro game software

GS Pro $250 per annum

Click above image to learn more...

Integrated video swing playback after every shot on the VisTrak Driving Range

Optionally display the VisTrak swing playback video after every shot in E6 and TGC game software

VisTrak with TGC video

VisTrak with E6 Connect video

GSA Golf system minimum PC requirements


Intel i5 or above Processor

Warning! Do not use PC's with AMD processors.

8GB RAM Nvidia 1070 Graphics Card or equivalent

25GB of Hard Drive Space

Windows 10 or 11 (Required)

Internet Connection

(Required if using 3rd party game software such as E6, TGC or GSPro)

2 X USB3 ports (Required)

Note: The cameras are USB3 cameras

and will only run at the correct speed when connected via USB3 cables directly to separate USB3 ports on the PC


If using 2 cameras, do not connect the cameras together with a Hub !

All cameras must be directly connected to separate USB3 ports on the PC

Use only powered USB3 extension cables if the supplied cables are not long enough

Warning : Do not use Laptops

Laptop PCs are usually not powerful enough to run the cameras due to the limited band width of the USB 3 bus in laptops

and the gaming software (i.e. E6. TGC, Gs pro etc)

as the demand on the graphics card will be quite great and updating graphics cards on Laptops may not be possible.

Play a complete round of indoor golf with just the stand alone GSA Golf VisTrak Eagle system

or add the VisTrak to your existing launch monitor or any other golf simulator

(i.e. GC2, GC Quad, GC hawk, SkyTrak, Trackman, FlightScope, OptiShot, p3proSwing etc...etc..)

to capture real time video of your swing showing precise club and ball data after every shot.


VisTrak vs GC2 comparison results

Just in from independent tester Phil in the UK that has a GC2 and is running comparison tests with his VisTrak system


Vistrak 12.99 mph, GC2 13.0 2 mph

Vistrak 6.36 mph, GC2 6.0 3 mph

Vistrak 16.5 mph, GC2 17.3 mph


Vistrak 49.73 mph, GC2 49.2

Full shots

Vistrak 80.37 mph , GC2 78.9 2 mph

Vistrak 78.63 mph , GC2 79.8 3 mph

Vistrak 87.22 mph, GC2 88.0 mph

Recent customer comments

I couldn't be more happier with my SCX.

I finished 10 holes with only one bad chip. I'm so freaking excited. Thank you Martin.

John S. OH 12/12/2024

Hi Martin

certainly not the easiest system to setup but on the whole I'm very pleased with your SCX

Considering the huge price advantage over the other similar systems on market

this is a great system for the price.

My wife is particularly happy that I didn't spend $5,000 plus more for an equivalent system.

Dave G. CA 6/12/2024


how on earth do you make such a great system for such a low price?

I was very skeptical at first but considering the super low price and all the amazing features,

I couldn't resist to take a chance.

Your return policy sealed the deal and I'm super happy with system

even though there's still a couple of issues that need to be resolved.

Jake B. TX 14/11/2024

Hi Martin, I just wanted to drop you a note to say how amazing the new VisTrak camera is.

I am still playing around with the settings and learning but the video capture and being able to see the frame by frame impact is awesome!

I also really like the way you show the ball ready/playback buttons as an overlay on the TGC.

The best part of my day is going to the tech page and seeing your latest updates - keep up the good work!

Richard L. Illinois 12/17/2023

Hi Martin- I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts.

I could have bought any of the expensive and well-known golf simulators, but I’m glad I ultimately took the chance and bought your products.

It wasn’t an easy decision, as it takes a leap of faith to take the road less traveled, but it has made all the difference.

I love that your products are not perfect (no one's are) but that you strive for perfection while pushing innovation.

You’re clearly never satisfied. As soon as you develop a new software feature, or build a new camera system, you're immediately back at it working on the next iteration.

You’re a true inventor and engineer. Almost every day I download the latest beta and see how it enhances the simulation.

It's like Christmas morning everyday.

Sometimes there’s a marked improvement. Sometimes the new feature “breaks” something else.

But over days and weeks, I feel how the collective innovations are improving the overall experience.

Your products aren’t for everyone but they are a clear alternative to the high-margin corporate products that have an arm's length association with their user base.

Buying a GSA product is buying into you and becoming part of your user community.

You listen, you care, and you explore. I know many of us appreciate it but perhaps not enough of us say thanks.

Martin, thank you for an enjoyable and rewarding journey with your products in 2020.

You’ve made a COVID 19 year more endurable.

Eric P. Burien, WA 12/25/2023

Matt P. 1/15/2023

Hello Martin, I have had 2 weeks of excellent play and stability in Eagle Mode! This has been very enjoyable! Matt T.

Matt T. 1/14/2022

Hi Martin, I see your daily updates on the Tech News page and I just want to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

Your passion for golf and engineering clearly shows and thank you!

GSA Golf software downloads

Download your free E6 connect and GSA game software. Click the above images for links.

Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.

Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner

Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf

Regularly check out my tech news page for all our latest developments and free updates

if you have any questions

please feel free to contact me personally anytime from M to F 10am to 3pm US ET

Currently looking into integrating AI technology into GSA Golf tracking systems

Tel: 239 529 3060

GSA Golf reseller / investor inquirers welcome

Technical Support

Email and remote access support is available for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

E-mail support is free of charge for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

Remote access support is available

Remote access support requires that you have "TeamViewer" installed on your PC

Go to www.teamviewer.com to get your free team viewer installed

GSA Golf reseller inquirers welcome

Contact me - Martin - for details

Tel: 239 529 3060

GSA Golf Investment and Reseller Opportunities

International customers - Outside the US - Please note!

Please note: GSA Golf is not responsible for any import customs duties or brokerage fees that may be due for your order when arriving at the border.

All such customs duties and brokerage fees must be paid by the recipient.

There is also an additional $100 to $300 shipping charge

(depending on your country and weight of the product) for any product exported outside the US.

Business opportunities with GSA Golf

Enjoy huge earnings and great markups by using our cameras and software

for your system installations or just offering any of our products for direct sale.

Warranty and Return Policy

30 days with a 15% to 20% restocking fee

Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy

Note that a 15% to 20% re-stocking fee (depending on condition) will be charged in the event of a return

Customer is required to return the product at own expense. ie, GSA Golf do not send free return labels

Note: this 30 day return policy does not include 3rd party game software such as TGC,

enclosure items such as screens, flooring, drapes, panels etc.

i.e. it is solely for camera tracking systems

Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy

Commercial use of GSA Golf tracking systems

GSA Golf products are solely intended for use for private individuals at home.

As such, GSA Golf is not responsible for any issues that may occur when the products are used in a commercial environment

such as an indoor golf facility

and do not accept any responsibility for loss of business should the products not perform to customer's of a commercial enterprise expectations.

Use of GSA Golf products in a commercial environment is solely at the risk of the purchaser.

While all basic technical support is offered to purchasers of GSA Golf systems used in a commercial enterprise

no additional support is offered unless paid for.








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