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Business news

GSA Golf reseller and manufacturing inquiries welcome

Contact Martin for details and wholesale prices


VisTrak Product Overview

Similar product market overview


February 28 6:00pm

GSA Golf's new market segment targeting - i.e. if you can't beat em, join em.

Despite all the tens of thousands of hours that have been invested in developing my hi-speed camera launch monitors

and being offered at super low prices that are a third or the price of its main competitors,

sales volume is still nowhere near what it should be and far below my competitor's sales volume.

Due to the fact that 99% of revenue of my business is generated with the sales of enclosure related products

i.e. screens, flooring, drapes, panels and third party launch monitors (ProTee VX's, Trackman's, Flightscope, etc)

that only take up 1% of my time -

compared to the 1% of sales that the sales of my own launch monitors generate, that take up 99% of my time

(i.e. development, assembly, shipping and all the endless, very time consuming support that has to be made with every sale),

it's about time I reverse this sales to revenue ratio.

i.e. I should be spending 99% of my time on the sale of products that generate revenue.

BTW current profits of my annual sales of ProTee VX systems selling at $6,500 is 3 times what I make on selling my own VisTrak $1,699 systems.

Actually, it's more like 10 times the profit if I include all the time I have to spend on assembly, production and the never ending support for every VisTrak system I sell.

The joke is, I don't even have to invest in any time providing support when selling a VX

and there's no time consuming assembly, production or shipping required when selling VX systems.

It's all handled by ProTee.

After all the development time I've spent on developing my launch monitors to date (20 years now),

I think I've taken the development as far as it's possible without losing more time and money.

I must admit, I truly believed there'd be a market for a comparatively low priced ceiling mounted camera tracking system

that was nearly as good as the other hi-priced systems costing over 3 times as much but time has proven me wrong about that.

While I will - of course - continue to further the development of my launch monitors, (if only because I enjoy it)

this time will be taking a back seat to my core revenue generating business of enclosure related products and full system sales from now on.

February 10 9:00am

Drastic price restructuring measures underway soon at GSA Golf

Due to the enormous competition in the golf simulator launch monitor market at present,

GSA Golf are going to have to adjust all product pricing in order to stay competitive soon.

More details later this week

January 12 2:00pm

LX2 a hit with golf instructors

Due its unique ability to track both club and ball data with accurate ball spin with video playback - plus its super low price -

the LX2 is vastly gaining interest with golf instructors and those who want to work on their game.

Old school marketing still works best

One of the main reasons for the surge in LX2 sales is because people are reading about it with my new direct mailing brochure strategy.

In contrast to just sending out emails - that are mostly either ignored or are blocked as marketing Spam

- a high quality color brochure with whole sale prices and business card sent in the regular mail - has a far more profound effect.

I'm currently sending out hundreds of brochures out to all golf instructor facilities like GolfTec etc.

December 18 2024

New exclusive sales and distributorship contract for Japan signed up with the DuaForce Corporation

September 23 6:30 pm

300 DPI Glossy brochure

Contact us for your free brochure

2. New independent system reviews coming soon

September 2 1:30 pm

The Golf Launch Monitor market and GSA Golf's sales volume goals

According to published statistics, world wide sales volume for Golf Launch Monitors will be at least $ 200 million in 2024.

It was already $175 million in 2023

Assuming a very conservative estimate that the average unit price is $5,000, that would mean 40,000 a year or 3,333 a month.

I say "conservative" because you can buy golf launch monitors for as little as $500 these days.

So, how many golf launch monitor manufacturers are there that are sharing this 40,000 sales volume?

Here in the US and the EU, there aren't that many. 10 maybe?

I can't think of many more than that. And world-wide, probably not more than 20 major players.

That would mean each manufacturer is selling 2000 units a year (40,000 / 20) i.e. 166 a month.

Baring that in mind, then GSA Golf's sales volume goal of just 12 units a month is more than realistic.

Especially considering the super low prices of the systems that offer advanced features that are usually only available on systems that cost 2 or 3 times the price.

Note that the sales volume of similar products to the SCX (i.e. Uneekor, ProTee VX etc) selling in the $6,000 to $10,000 range,

is estimated to be in the 600 to 1000 a year range. That's 50 to 90 unit sales a month!

September 2 11:40 am

GSA Golf launches Multiple Google Ad campaigns

Okay, so here we go with the new Google Ad campaigns for the season


Above are the first Google shopping ads that are active today.

In addition, the issue with the regular GSA Golf text adword campaign is now fixed and the ad is now showing again.

Together with the GSA Golf's page 2 organic ranking and the new - vastly improved - VisTrak product range , this should be sufficient exposure for a successful season.

September 1 2:40 pm

This thought just occurred to me on this quiet Sunday afternoon.

Is it possible that my organic page 2 listing click rate of 100 to 400 clicks a day for "golf simulators" is normal?

After all, the golf simulator market is a somewhat niche business compared to other main stream products like

iPhones or wide screen TVs that generate tens of thousands of clicks a day,

So, maybe 100 to 400 clicks a day is normal for a "Golf Simulator" listing on page 2.

If that's the case, then what would be the point of spending thousands of dollars on Google AdWords when all you'd get is around the same number of visitors?

According to my research, it's always best practice to continue with an adWords campaign even though it ranks lower than your organic ranking.

Reason being, it's best to have 2 showings of a search result than one.

September 1 12:00 pm

Production of all GSA Golf Vistrak systems underway for the new season

Objective is to always have at least 3 ready made up systems ready ship at a moments notice.

It was noticed, however, that the product assembly time for products is a tad more than expected though.

I'd hope to be able to produce 5 systems a week, but realistically speaking and - without outsourcing production - it's probably only going to be around 3 a week.

If outsourcing production, then there's no limit on production capacity, so Sky's the limit in that respect.

Marketing budget and selling direct to consumer vs via resellers

Without a huge jump in marketing budget, 3 system sales a week (i.e. 12 a month) is unlikely anyway.

Current GSA Golf marketing budget with Google AdWords is just $500 a month - which is woefully too low.

12 system sales a month - selling direct to consumer (i.e. not via resellers) - would gross around $18,000 profit a month for GSA Golf -

even without all the revenue generated with the enclosure side of the business (i.e. screens, drapes, panels, flooring etc) ,

so there'd be plenty of funds to increase the budget 10 fold. i.e. to $5,000 from $500.

If selling via resellers with a 30% markup, then GSA Golf's gross profit (without assembly labor costs) would be around $9,000 a month.

A healthy mix of the two strategies would thus seem to be the most appropriate strategy here.

August 23 6:30 pm

The main GSA Golf products have now been boiled down to just the SCX IR and the LX2 now

While there are still derivatives of the SCX and LX2 available (i.e. Eagle, EVi, LX1 etc) most focus will be on these two main products for the foreseeable future

August 19 4:40 pm

Gearing up for the new season

All parts for production runs of the new SCX IR, EVi and LX systems are now on order and should be here by next week.

The cased visible light track version will now be made redundant (i.e. too many versions) as will the SCX Pro,

but I'll keep the non-cased SCX track light version for the moment although I doub't many will purchase this product as the price is too close to the cased SCX IR.

August 18 6:10 pm

Other than the occasional tweak or small fix to the software,

most of my time for the rest of this year will be spent on product assembly, marketing and user support.

August 17 4:00 pm

LX1 and LX2 mods

The above (quick and ready) images are of the prototypes made up today of the new LX1 / LX2 IR panel versions without the IR panel and with the LED lenses removed.

I decided to keep the LED panels in the CM Vision heat sinks and just remove the glass front panel as well as the LED lenses.

In contrast to mounting the CM Vision lights directly onto the base panel ( that tended to be somewhat wobbly),

inserting them into the black anodized IR panel frame proved to be far more ridged and sturdy.

Once the IR acrylic panel is inserted, the systems will appear as a black box as shown below in the Photoshop renderings.

I found a nice new cover panel for the club tracking camera LED lights today too, which are on order and should be here later this week.

As all software for the LX1 and LX2 is completed, production of the LX1 and LX2 panel versions will start later next week.

August 17 12:30 pm

LX1 and LX2 mods

Major lighting and casing updates coming for the LX range.

Tests today revealed that removing the LED lenses in the CM Vision lights, greatly increases the light spread

so that the ball and club is evenly illuminated over the entire FOV of the cameras.

I got this crazy idea in the middle of the night thinking "I wonder what would happen if I removed the lenses on the LEDs? Would the light spread increase?"

Assuming it wouldn't work, I tried it out and was amazed to find that it worked incredibly well.

This is due to the fact the lenses collimate and focus the light to a smaller but more intense area.

While this is what you want if the object you are illuminating is many feet away,

this is not required if the objects (ball and club) are only inches away as is the case with a floor mounted launch monitor.

Thus, all IR LED lenses are now being removed from the lighting systems used in the LX1 and LX2 launch monitors.

A side effect of removing the lenses from the IR LEDs opens up new casing possibilities.

As I'm having to open up the CM Vision IR lights in order to remove the lenses anyway,

I may as well remove the LED panels entirely and put them behind an IR panel (as shown above) and do away with the large CM Vision casings altogether.

The size of the overhang LED light used in the LX2 can then be drastically reduced as well.

Prototypes are being made up this weekend to see which look better

August 15 3:10 pm

Looks like all the SEO I did recently on this web site has paid off.

After yesterday's Google crawl and index, my organic ranking jumped from page 4 to page 2 !

Just below Foresight Sports!


Hi! I'm Martin Paul Gardiner

Electronics and software development engineer and founder of GSA Golf



New GSA Golf showroom opening later next year in Naples, Florida